My children are a blessing to me and have taught me many things. However, as a result of them, Dr. Flint made my life so utterly unbearable. He began to use my children to hurt me by threatening to free them if I will become his mistress. So, in choosing the lesser of two evils, I chose to go to the plantation and work for him, so that my children could be free and so that he could no use them as a leverage against me.
When it was my time to leave, I had intended to bring both of my children, but Ben became ill. So Ellen and I bravely went off to our new home on the plantation. At the plantation, Dr. Flint tried to break me in...but with the business and cumbersome of all of my duties, which included basically running the entire house hold in preparation of the new Mrs. Flint.
It broke my heart to leave little Ellen every day to be by herself as I went off to what seemed to be a never ended work. One day something terrible happened which resulted in a snake and my daughter under the house to which I had, had enough. I have always pondered that word in grammar. Is it possible to have two words next to each other when writing? Maybe one of you can tell me. Anyways, I apologize, I do not have anyone to talk to here and so when I write I feel that I am in the middle of a conversation with you, whoever you are already. So at that point I told Dr. Flint that Ellen was sick and consented to let her go home to live with my grandmother.
In the weeks that followed I began to contemplate, no, plot to escape.
(the photo above is of the plantation)
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